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By Coach Bronwyn, June 14, 2020, copyright Bronwyn Katdaré 2020

Speaking of cleaning up after your pet (*clears throat*), let’s talk about cleaning your pets “stuff.” According to a public health and safety study, pet bowls and toys ranked among the 5 germiest items in the home. They are a breeding ground for yeast, mold, and a variety of bacteria like salmonella and E. coli. This study only looked at dishes and toys but you can bet your bottom dollar that bedding, collars, harnesses, leashes, brushes, and crates are yucky, too!

So, how do you disinfect your pet’s stuff (not just dogs but cats and others, too)? Let’s start with pet bowls. Wash your pet’s food and water dishes DAILY with hot, soapy water. Do you feel the slime? Yes? That’s called “biofilm” and it’s a colony of bacteria. A good scrubbing with dish soap will get rid of it (you might have to let it soak) but even better is loading the dishes into the dishwasher a few times/week.

Please, get rid of the plastic dishes. When plastic gets scratched, bacteria fill in the scratches. Also, plastic is not good for anyone’s health. Plastic leaches chemicals that are endocrine disruptors (hormone disruptors), and are linked with developmental, reproductive, brain, immune, and other problems. Choose stainless steel over plastic. Ceramic is also a good choice.

Sidebar: how do you store your pet’s food? Do you keep it in the bag? Where is that bag – is it damp or very warm where you keep it? Do you use a food storage container? Is it plastic? Again, do not use plastic as these chemicals will leach into your pet’s food. Bags that the food comes in may potentially be coated with chemicals that break down into the food. Store food in a cool, dry place, away from vents in a stainless steel container. Can’t find a stainless container? A metal garbage can works (just be sure to tightly seal the lid so the food is not exposed to air).

Does your pet have a favorite toy? Does it look like it’s seen better days? Do you cringe when your pet brings this toy to you because you just don’t want to touch it? Well, if you don’t want to touch it with your hands, should your pet be putting it in his mouth? Scour all visible dirt from hard toys with a brush and dish soap and soak them weekly for at least 10 minutes. Wash plush toys according to manufacturer’s directions, but be warned, squeakers may not survive. If the toy is just too disgusting, toss it.

Finally, beds with removable covers should go through the warm-hot water setting on your washing machine weekly. You can toss collars, harnesses, and leashes in there, too. Add ½ cup white or apple cider vinegar to the wash to get out the stink. You may also want to add any product with the words “Oxi” or “enzyme” on the label to break down tough odors. If your pet’s bed does not have a removable cover, soak it in the bathtub with mild detergent and ½ cup of vinegar. Place it in the sunshine to dry and kill more bacteria.

Crates can be a pain in the butt to break down and wash but during the summer, it’s a breeze to take them outside, break down the pieces and scrub them with warm soapy water, a brush, and the hose. During the winter, I clean them by ringing out a soapy rag and rinsing with a rag of water. I then disinfect them using paper towels soaked in vinegar-water solution. You might find biofilm in crates, too, especially if your dog eats, drinks, or has toys in there.

I could go on for days when talking about pet health. This will not be the last of my blogs dedicated to the health of your pet so keep an eye out for the next one!

If you are interested in any of the products mentioned, check out my affiliate link! I am proud to partner with Chewy to help give your pets the best life! Click here for the link.

Also, if you are interested in giving your pet the best life, check out my dog training programs! I have introduced FULLY ONLINE private dog training programs for you and your dog. There is no need to come in contact with another person during this pandemic and if you live far away from me, you still have access to my training (my dog teaches these classes along with me!). Click here for information on my programs.

(Bronwyn Katdaré is a certified Nutrition, Lifestyle, and Functional Medicine Health Coach. She is also a Certified Pet and Working K9 Trainer and Handler Instructor, an Explosives Detection Dog Handler, a Certified Canine Athlete Specialist, and has owned her own dog training business, Katdaré K9 Coaching, for over a decade).

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